Node Js

Create a custom server using http module and explore the other modules of Node JS like OS, path, event.

File 1: os.js

 1const os=require('os');
 2console.log('Data retrieved by Using OS Module in Node Js\n');
 5console.log('OS Platform:'+os.platform()+'\n');
 6console.log('OS Type'+os.type()+'\n');
 7var freeMemory=os.freemem();
 8console.log('Free RAM:'+Math.round(freeMemory/1024/1024/1024)+'GB\n');
 9var totalMemory=os.totalmem();
10console.log('Total RAM:'+Math.round(totalMemory/1024/1024/1024)+'GB\n');

File 2: path.js

 1const path = require('path');
 2console.log('File Name: \n'+__filename+'\n\n');
 3console.log('Directory Name: \n'+__dirname+'\n\n');
 5console.log('Base Name of File Name: \n'+path.basename(__filename)+'\n\n');
 6console.log('Base Name of Directory Name:\n'+path.basename(__dirname)+'\n\n');
 7var data = path.parse(__filename);
 8console.log('Parser Data: \n');
11console.log('isAbsolute for __filename: '+path.isAbsolute(__filename)+'\n');
12console.log('isAbsolute for given relative file : '+path.isAbsolute('./os.js')+'\n');
13console.log(path.join("MGIT","ET","CSM and CSD"));
14console.log(path.join("/MGIT","ET","CSM and CSD"));
15console.log(path.join("/MGIT","//ET","CSM and CSD"));
16console.log(path.join("/MGIT","//ET","../CSM and CSD"));
17console.log(path.join(__dirname,"CSM and CSD"));

File 3: event.js

 1var fs = require('fs');
 2var rs = fs.createReadStream('./myfile.txt');
 3rs.on('open', function () {
 4console.log('The file is open');
 6var events = require('events');
 7var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
 8//Create an event handler:
 9var myEventHandler = function () {
10console.log('Welcome to Node Js Lab...!');
12//Assign the event handler to an event:
13eventEmitter.on('welcome', myEventHandler);
14//Fire the 'welcome' event:

for output:

install Nodejs on your system. create myfile.txt for execution on terminal: node filename.js